Your Customer Success team simply must have ready access to information about the engagement levels of their accounts and individual customers. Without it, they are pretty much operating in the dark. Most everything your CS does on a daily basis can be made better by having a better understanding of user engagement.

Having this information easily accessible (and in a usable format) will allow them to:

  • Prioritize their day-to-day work — knowing which users/accounts to focus on, either to head off churn or to drive expansion, is mostly a question of user engagement.
  • Support users in a relevant way — knowing a user’s engagement level is an essential part of delivering relevant support. How you talk to a highly-engaged user is different than how you talk to a unengaged/barely engaged user.
  • Drive better automated messaging — any user messaging can be made better and more relevant by targeting based on engagement levels.
  • Save time — trust me, your team is spending a ton of time looking for ways to figure out how engaged their customers before planning their interactions. Most of them hacks that don’t deliver the right information (most of the time, they are just looking at logins).

Clearly, engagement is an essential metric for driving a great customer success practice. The question is — how do you get this measure into the hands of your CS team so they can use it most effectively?

Sherlock scores in Intercom

One of the best ways (if not THE best way) to do this is to integrate your Sherlock account with Intercom. By integrating Sherlock <> Segment your team can take full advantage of:

  • The engagement scores created in Sherlock for each user; and
  • Their Sherlock segments.

This means for each of your users, Sherlock will add their Sherlock scores as well as their Sherlock segments as attributes.

Seriously….wouldn’t your CS team love to have an Intercom dashboard that looks like this?!?!? (ours does)

how to integrate engagement scores into intercom

Obviously, once this data is in Intercom, your team has the ability to segment and target messaging based on this engagement data.

Segment users based on Sherlock scores or segments

This will help the team drive even more relevant messaging — either to mitigate churn, onboard new users, or enhance expansion opportunities. Some ways you can use Sherlock scores in your Intercom messaging:

  • Adjust your onboarding emails based on the engagement levels of your new users. Only extend your onboarding activation drips to users that are less engaged (Sherlock score below 50). Once users become engaged early, use that opportunity to introduce advanced features.
  • Trigger re-engagement emails when users drop below a certain score (like 25). Or better yet, for those users who are in the Sherlock Ice Cold segment (meaning their score has dropped significantly) AND have a low score (below 25, say). These users have the highest risk for churn, so it’s important to get to them before it’s too late.
  • For on-going engagement emails and new feature releases, try targeting your Most Engaged users with in-app messages only. These users are using the product, so no use wasting your email “capital” with these users. Your best users will absolutely appreciate this.
  • Target your Red Hot or Most Engaged segments for feedback sessions, user interviews, and surveys.

Just a few ideas for how you can drive more effective messaging by using engagement as a filter here. A more comprehensive list is certainly subject for another post.


This was a pretty quick post, but hope it helps offer some ways to integrate engagement scoring into your CS operations — namely via Intercom. This one of our most popular integrations so far and those using it think it’s pretty awesome.

(as it turns out, so does Eoghan McCabe — founder of Intercom. He responded to a tweet about it last week )